Friday, December 25, 2020

The Five Stages of Intermittent Fasting

By 12 hours, you've entered the metabolic state called ketosis (Anton et al., Obesity 2018). In this express, your body begins to separate and consume fat. 

A portion of this fat is utilized by the liver to create ketone bodies. Ketone bodies, or ketones, fill in as an elective fuel hotspot for the cells of your heart, skeletal muscle, and cerebrum, when glucose isn't promptly accessible. Did you realize that your mind goes through some 60% of your glucose when your body is in the resting state? At the point when you are fasting, ketone bodies produced by your liver incompletely substitute glucose as fuel for your mind just as different organs. This ketone utilization by your cerebrum is one reason that fasting is frequently professed to advance mental clearness and positive mind-set – ketones produce less provocative items as they are being processed than does glucose, and they can even launch creation of the mind development factor BDNF! Ketones have additionally been appeared to decrease cell harm and cell passing in neurons and can likewise diminish aggravation in other cell types. 

By 18 hours, you've changed to fat-consuming mode and are creating huge ketones (Anton et al., Obesity 2018). You would now be able to start to quantify blood ketone levels over your pattern esteems. Under ordinary conditions, the convergence of ketones in your plasma ranges somewhere in the range of 0.05 and 0.1 mM. At the point when you quick or limit the sugars in your eating regimen, this focus can arrive at 5-7 mM. 

As their level in your circulatory system rises, ketones can go about as flagging atoms, like hormones, to advise your body to increase pressure busting pathways that lessen irritation and fix harmed DNA for instance. 

Inside 24 hours, your cells are progressively reusing old segments and stalling misfolded proteins connected to Alzheimer's and different infections (Alirezaei et al., Autophagy 2010). This is a cycle called autophagy. 

Autophagy is a significant cycle for cell and tissue restoration – it eliminates harmed cell segments including misfolded proteins. At the point when your phones can't or don't start autophagy, awful things occur, including neurodegenerative sicknesses, which appear to happen because of the decreased autophagy that happens during maturing. Fasting actuates the AMPK flagging pathway and restrains mTOR action, which thusly initiates autophagy. This lone starts to occur, nonetheless, when you significantly drain your glucose stores and your insulin levels start to drop. In mice denied of food, autophagy increments following 24 hours and this impact is amplified in cells of the liver and mind following 48 hours. In people, autophagy has been identified in neutrophils beginning at 24 hours of fasting. Exercise along with caloric limitation through fasting can likewise increment autophagy in many body tissues. 

top development hormoneBy 48 hours without calories or with not many calories, carbs or protein, your development hormone level is up to multiple times as high as when you began your quick (Hartman et al.,1992). 

Part of the explanation behind this is that ketone bodies delivered during fasting advance development hormone emission, for instance in the cerebrum. Ghrelin, the yearning hormone, likewise advances development hormone emission. Development hormone assists protect with inclining bulk and lessens fat tissue gathering, especially as we age. It additionally seems to assume a job in mammalian life span and can advance injury recuperating and cardiovascular wellbeing. 

least insulinBy 54 hours, your insulin has dropped to its most minimal level point since you began fasting and your body is getting progressively insulin-delicate (Klein et al., 1993). 

Bringing down your insulin levels has a scope of medical advantages both present moment and long haul. Brought down insulin levels put a brake on the insulin and mTOR flagging pathways, enacting autophagy. Brought down insulin levels can diminish irritation, make you more insulin touchy (and additionally less insulin safe, which is particularly something worth being thankful for in the event that you have a high danger of creating diabetes) and shield you from ongoing illnesses of maturing including disease. 

By 72 hours, your body is separating old insusceptible cells and creating new ones (Cheng et al., 2014). 

Drawn out fasting diminishes coursing IGF-1 levels and PKA action in different cell populaces. IGF-1, or insulin-like development factor 1, looks a great deal like insulin and has development advancing impacts on pretty much every cell in the body. IGF-1 initiates flagging pathways including the PI3K-Akt pathway that advances cell endurance and development. PKA can likewise enact the mTOR pathway (and, of interest, a lot of caffeine during a quick may advance actuation of PKA). 

You may see where this is driving – squeezing the brakes on IGF-1 and PKA through supplement limitation and fasting can turn down cell endurance pathways and lead to breakdown and reusing of old cells and proteins. Studies in mice have demonstrated that drawn out fasting (more noteworthy than 48 hours), by lessening IGF-1 and PKA, prompts pressure opposition, self-reestablishment and recovery of hematopoietic or platelet foundational microorganisms. Through this equivalent component, delayed fasting for 72 hours has been appeared to save solid white platelet or lymphocyte includes in patients going through chemotherapy. 

Reward stage: Refeeding! 

We nearly overlooked the last and maybe most significant phase of discontinuous fasting – the refeeding stage! It's essential to break your quick with a nutritious, adjusted feast that will additionally improve the capacity of cells and tissues that experienced cleanup while you were fasting. From Mark Mattson and partners at the National Institute on Aging: "After refeeding, ingested carbohydrates* and glucose invigorate discharge into the blood of the incretin hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1) from enteroendocrine cells in the gut. GLP1 upgrades leeway of glucose from the blood by invigorating insulin discharge from the pancreas and builds the insulin affectability of cells. GLP1 crosses the blood–mind boundary and can act straightforwardly on neurons to advance synaptic versatility, improve comprehension and reinforce cell stress obstruction." 

*Update: This isn't a suggestion to break your diets with loads of carbs and sugars, which may truth be told lead to dangerous glucose spikes. A couple carbs can go far. It's ideal to break your quick with a reasonable supper including a lot of vegetables, plant filaments and plant fats, with solid proteins and some entire grains or vegetables in the event that you decide. Dodge straightforward sugars and prepared/bundled nourishments. Realize what turns out best for your body, and what you feel best eating following your diets.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

How to renew your body: Fasting and autophagy

 In 2016, the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet granted the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Yoshinori Ohsumi for his revelations of instruments for autophagy. 

However, what is autophagy? The word gets from the Greek auto (self) and phagein (to eat). So the word in a real sense intends to eat oneself. Basically, this is the body's system of disposing of all the separated, old cell hardware (organelles, proteins and cell films) when there's not, at this point enough energy to support it. It is a controlled, methodical cycle to debase and reuse cell parts. 

junker_sot_up-300x200There is a comparative, better referred to handle called apoptosis otherwise called customized cell demise. Cells, after a specific number of division, are customized to kick the bucket. While this may sound sort of ghastly from the start, understand that this cycle is basic in keeping up great wellbeing. For instance, assume you own a vehicle. You love this vehicle. You have extraordinary recollections in it. You love to ride it. 

Be that as it may, following a couple of years, it begins to gaze sort of beat upward. After a couple of additional, it's not looking so incredible. The vehicle is costing you a huge number of dollars consistently to keep up. It's separating constantly. Is it better to keep it around when it's only a hunk of garbage? Clearly not. So you dispose of it and purchase a sweet new vehicle. 

Something very similar occurs in the body. Cells become old and lousy. It is better that they be modified to pass on when their valuable life is finished. It sounds truly unfeeling, yet such is reality. That is the cycle of apoptosis, where cells are pre-bound to pass on after a specific measure of time. It resembles renting a vehicle. After a specific measure of time, you dispose of the vehicle, if it's actually working. At that point you get another vehicle. You don't need to stress over it separating at the absolute worst time. 

Autophagy – supplanting old pieces of the cell 

A similar cycle additionally occurs at a sub-cell level. You don't really have to supplant the whole vehicle. Now and again, you simply need to supplant the battery, toss out the bygone one and get another one. This likewise occurs in the cells. Rather than murdering off the whole cell (apoptosis), you just need to supplant some phone parts. That is the cycle of autophagy, where sub-cell organelles are devastated and new ones are remade to supplant it. Old cell layers, organelles and other cell trash can be eliminated. This is finished by sending it to the lysosome which is a particular organelle containing compounds to debase proteins. 

zh10080957560005-1Autophagy was first depicted in 1962 when analysts noticed an expansion in the quantity of lysosomes (the piece of the cell that demolishes stuff) in rodent liver cells in the wake of injecting glucagon. The Nobel prize winning researcher Christian de Duve begat the term autophagy. Harmed sub cell parts and unused proteins become set apart for annihilation and afterward shipped off the lysosomes to complete the work. 

One of the vital controllers of autophagy is the kinase called mammalian objective of rapamycin (mTOR). At the point when mTOR is initiated, it smothers autophagy, and when torpid, it advances it. 

What enacts autophagy? 

Supplement hardship is the critical activator of autophagy. Recollect that glucagon is somewhat the contrary hormone to insulin. It resembles the game we played as children – 'inverse day'. In the event that insulin goes up, glucagon goes down. On the off chance that insulin goes down, glucagon goes up. As we eat, insulin goes up and glucagon goes down. At the point when we don't eat (quick) insulin goes down and glucagon goes up. This expansion in glucagon invigorates the cycle of autophagy. Indeed, fasting (raises glucagon) gives the best known lift to autophagy. 

Fasting is really unquestionably more valuable than simply invigorating autophagy. It does two beneficial things. By animating autophagy, we are getting out the entirety of our old, lousy proteins and cell parts. Simultaneously, fasting likewise invigorates development hormone, which advises our body to begin delivering some new great parts for the body. We are truly giving our bodies the total redesign. 

You need to dispose of the old stuff before you can place in new stuff. Consider remodeling your kitchen. On the off chance that you have old 1970s style lime green cupboards lounging around, you need to garbage them prior to placing in some new ones. So the cycle of annihilation (evacuation) is similarly as significant as the cycle of creation. In the event that you basically attempted to place in new cupboards without taking out the old ones, it wouldn't look so hot. So fasting may somehow or another opposite the maturing cycle, by disposing of old cell garbage and supplanting it with new parts. 

An exceptionally controlled cycle 

Autophagy is an exceptionally directed cycle. On the off chance that it goes crazy, wild, this would be negative, so it should be painstakingly controlled. In mammalian cells, complete consumption of amino acids is a solid sign for autophagy, however the job of individual amino acids is more factor. In any case, the plasma amino corrosive levels shift just a bit. Amino corrosive signs and development factor/insulin signals are thought to combine on the mTOR pathway – now and then called the expert controller of supplement flagging. 

In this way, during autophagy, old cell segments are stalled into the segment amino acids (the structure square of proteins). What befalls these amino acids? In the beginning phases of starvation, amino corrosive levels begin to increment. It is imagined that these amino acids got from autophagy are conveyed to the liver for gluconeogenesis. They can likewise be separated into glucose through the carboxyl corrosive (TCA) cycle. The third likely destiny of amino acids is to be consolidated into new proteins. 

The results of collecting old awful proteins everywhere can be found in two primary conditions – Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and malignant growth. Alzheimer's Disease includes the gathering of irregular protein – either amyloid beta or Tau protein which gums up the cerebrum framework. Despite the fact that we don't yet have clinical preliminary proof for this, it would bode well that a cycle like autophagy that can get out old protein could forestall the improvement of AD. 

What turns off autophagy? Eating. Glucose, insulin (or diminished glucagon) and proteins all mood killer this self-cleaning measure. Also, it doesn't take a lot. Indeed, even a modest quantity of amino corrosive (leucine) could stop autophagy cold. So this cycle of autophagy is exceptional to fasting – something not found in basic caloric limitation or abstaining from excessive food intake. 

There is an equilibrium here, obviously. You become ill from an excess of autophagy just as excessively little. Which gets us back to the normal pattern of life – banquet and quick. Not steady slimming down. This considers cell development during eating, and cell purifying during fasting – balance. Life is about equilibrium.

Can the science of autophagy boost your health?

 A mostly secret logical cycle is being hailed as the better approach to get thinner, look more youthful and delay life. 

Autophagy is a characteristic recovery measure that happens at a cell level in the body, decreasing the probability of getting a few illnesses just as dragging out life expectancy. 

In 2016, Japanese researcher Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize for his disclosures into the components of autophagy. These have prompted a superior comprehension of illnesses, for example, Parkinson's and dementia. 

From that point forward, drug organizations and scholastics have hustled to discover drugs that will animate the cycle, and diet and wellbeing specialists are getting on board with the fleeting trend asserting that the cycle can be initiated normally by fasting, extreme focus practice and confining starches. 

So what do researchers say? 

"Unquestionably the proof from tests in mice propose that would be the situation," said Dr David Rubinsztein, teacher of atomic neurogenetics at the University of Cambridge and UK Dementia Research Institute. 

"There are considers where they have turned on the cycle utilizing hereditary devices or medications or fasting, and in those cases the creatures watch out for live more and be fit as a fiddle." 

In any case, he said it was not at this point clear how that meant people. 

"For instance, in mice, you see the impacts of fasting on the cerebrum in 24 hours, and in certain territories of their body, similar to the liver, considerably more rapidly. However despite the fact that we realize fasting is advantageous, we don't have the foggiest idea yet precisely how long people would have to quick to see the advantages," said Dr Rubinsztein. 

All things considered, fasting animates autophagy, he stated, and its advantages had additionally been demonstrated by different examinations. 

Presentational dim line 

What is autophagy? 

The word autophagy comes from the Greek for "self" and "phagein", which signifies "to eat" 

It is the cycle by which cells debase and reuse their parts 

It gives fuel to energy and building blocks for cell recharging 

After disease, autophagy can decimate microorganisms and infections 

Cells use autophagy to dispose of harmed proteins and organelles, to check the negative impacts of maturing on the body. 

Presentational dark line 

Autophagy was first found during the 1960s, yet its essential significance was just perceived after Yoshinori Ohsumi's examination during the 1990s. 

"What we've found is that it secures against sicknesses like Parkinson's, Huntington's and sure types of dementia," said Dr Rubinsztein. 

"It additionally is by all accounts useful with regards to contamination control, just as securing against over the top irritation." 

New way of life books are stating the cycle can be "turned on" by changes to our eating routine and way of life, for example, fasting - effectively well known with a considerable lot of the individuals who follow the 5:2 or Fast Diet. 


One new book, Glow 15 by Naomi Whittel - a so called "wellbeing wayfarer" - sets out a 15-day program that incorporates 16-hour diets three times each week, lessening protein on certain days, eating starches later in the day and times of extreme focus work out. 

In essential trial of the program on volunteers at Jacksonville University in Florida, she says she found various advantages. 

"A few people shed pounds, up to 7lbs in 15 days. Others saw a decrease in almost negligible differences, changes in their pulse and upgrades in fit bulk," she says. 

Dr Rubinsztein says none of these way of life proposals will do you any damage. 

"Also, in the event that you have an awful way of life, on the off chance that you're continually eating a lot garbage, at that point you wouldn't have the occasion to turn this on," he says 

Nerve cells 

Plainly, fasting to abundance is anything but a smart thought and anybody hoping to roll out significant improvements to their eating regimen or way of life should check with their GP first. 

Dr Rubinsztein is hopeful about the future advantages of autophagy for treating infection. 

His research facility found that proteins structure in clusters in the nerve cells of individuals with illnesses like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. 

"We found that on the off chance that you switch on autophagy you eliminate these proteins quickly and ensure against neurodegenerative infections like Huntington's and types of dementia." 

He trusts that one day there may be medications accessible to support autophagy. Others unmistakably trust so as well. 

It was as of late announced that another beginning up in America, Casma Therapeutics, gotten $58.5m to investigate new medications to support autophagy.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Possible effects of fasting

Possible effects of fasting:

1. Clean and purify the body, mind and emotions, and eliminate toxins.

2. Resting in the stomach and intestines, the usual digestive system discomfort is reduced, the intake of nutrients is better and the food intake is reduced.

3. Improved mental clarity, refreshed energy, tired body and back pain.

4. Increased physical fitness, full of energy, inspiration, calm mood, and relieved of emotional distress.

5. Better vision and skin, better sleep quality and shorter time required.

6. Weight loss, smooth excretion and elimination of edema.

7. When the intake of toxic foods is stopped, the body automatically eliminates the toxicity of such foods, and you want to

The desire and habit of eating more will decrease, and the awareness and behavior ability to listen to physical and mental needs will become stronger.

Netizens’ experience of 4 and a half months to lose weight 21kg experience sharing (no running, no gym)

 The following is the experience of netizens, for your reference.

At first, I only had breakfast and dinner. I did not eat lunch at the company at noon, and it took about one and a half months to find out that the method was wrong. The principle of fasting is to eat intensively and extend the non-eating time.

The common ones are 16/8 and 18/6, but I use the almost extreme 20/4 fasting. You can only eat from 16 to 20 o'clock every day.

" / "The number in the front is the time when calorie is not taken in, and the number in the back is the time to take in calorie

I used to eat breakfast at home, but now I tell my family to take it to the company

There is a benefit to fasting, it is not necessary to count calories. Especially I almost only eat dinner, so I can eat a little at night without worrying about excessive calories.

However, the food you eat is also important. The most taboo for weight loss is starch.

Starch is almost inseparable for breakfast for modern people, and so does my family. So I have breakfast at 4 in the afternoon, which is basically cakes and breads. Then at dinner, choose non-starchy foods to eat all-you-can-eat, especially protein.

Common proteins: eggs, beans, fish (seafood), meat, milk


If you want to fast on 20/4 like me, please be full. Don't eat fairy meals. The calorie intake cannot be too far away from the base. If there is really nothing on the table, please don't use a lot of rice, noodles, bread, etc. to fill your stomach, just a moderate amount.

If you are the same person who eats at home, please communicate with your home. People who lose weight are not great, so don't argue with your family because you lose weight and change your eating habits.

What can I drink during fasting?

Tea, water, black coffee (don't drink 0-calorie coke)

Sugary food

Then there should be a very simple truth: don't touch sugary foods, snacks, and drinks.

Sugar is just a substance that makes people fatter and refreshing. It's almost the same as drugs, please give up properly.


Q1. You can eat at 4 o'clock every day. Are you hungry?

A: Starving. Especially at noon when a colleague orders a lunch box or buys a McDonald's, I can only let myself go to bed quickly.

But it's actually quite habitual over time. Hunger will not last forever. It will come in waves. Maybe you are hungry now, but you won't be hungry after a while.

Q2. If you don't eat starch, won't the nutrition be unbalanced?

A: It is usually the elderly who ask me this question. So you too...?

Starch must be eaten, but it can be used for weight loss. Especially eating some starch (within 300 kcal) after exercise is better for muscles.

Q3. If you keep hungry for too long, won't you run to eat your body muscles?

A: No, the body has a protective mechanism. Please ask the nutritionist for details.

Q4. People have to eat three meals a day, and only one meal a day. In the end, normal eating will not regain weight?

A: Who is it that stipulates that you must have 3 meals a day? Say it, I promise to help you kill him.

The same goes back to calorie balance, eating more than TDEE will regain weight. So concentrate on training muscles to improve the base, there will be no such problem.

Q5. I have heard that small meals are healthy. Isn’t a sumo wrestler’s way of eating large amounts and small meals?

A: Just like martial arts, genre issues. Regardless of whether large amounts of small meals or small amounts of meals, the focus is on suppressing insulin levels.

Eat smaller meals: Eat a little at a time, without stimulating the production of large amounts of insulin.

Eat more and fewer meals: During fasting, insulin will definitely not rise. Even if you eat, don’t eat a lot of starch.

Q6. Eat only one meal a day and avoid starch. It is so difficult to increase calories by protein.

A: Well, I think too. Protein is so expensive, try to eat as much as possible. It is also worthwhile to spend more money on healthy food.

Q7. Why do I have to eat after exercise, and the calories I finally burnt are eaten back?

A: Muscles are like pets. He will be hungry and will need energy. At this time, give him food, and it will grow more beautiful and bigger. It is better to eat a small amount of starch + appropriate amount of protein within 30 minutes after exercise.

As mentioned earlier that you can eat junk food, it does not mean that you must eat junk food. It's just because it is easy to be used after eating during this time, and it will not easily be converted into fat storage. (Of course I will eat too much)

Q8. Isn't it a problem to lose so much in a short time?

A: Meeting. But this is my goal. Normal people lose 0.8% to 1% of their body weight in a week is a healthy way to lose weight.

Q9. The gym is not expensive compared to class fees, right? Why not go?

A:What I enjoy most in playing games is thinking about how to beat those class leaders with no class. The lesson money is used to draw the wife.

Q10. I just have a lot of social and social entertainment, it is difficult to control the calories?

A: Similarly, learn the concepts well and only pick the right food to eat. Don’t try to eat the unhealthy ones, the food won’t fly into your mouth by itself.

Q11. Life is so tired, why lose weight and tire yourself?

A: I do not know either. But my body has been much better in the past few months. I don't have a cold, and I haven't had any skin problems.

Q12. It's raining heavily outside, so I can't go out for exercise today.

A: You can walk with an umbrella and sandals. Anyway, sweating will make you wet, rain is at least fragrant.

Q13. I'm tired from work today, so I don't do exercises at night.

A: It took 2 hours to finish the menu I set myself.

Q14. Can I just concentrate on training my arm muscles?

A: I have no problem with you wanting to be Popeye. Everyone has different aesthetics.

Q15. It feels like I can't finish learning nutrition knowledge, and different people talk about it differently, which makes me messy.

A: I also used a lot of wrong concepts to eat at the beginning, so I don’t have to rush to get the most correct knowledge, just study and correct it slowly. Even if the data is biased, if there is the same opinion, it will usually be correct. Let's try it for yourself, and it's effective.

Q16. I have heard of cheating meals, so if I fast, can I eat a lot one day a week?

A: This is not deceiving the body, it is deceiving one's own life. Just exercise obediently and control your diet, don't think about such things.

Q17. Why am I so thin?

A: Check what you eat and how much exercise you do. It is normal that the lighter the weight, the harder it is to lose weight.

I used to lose an average of 1.4KG a week, and after entering the 6-letter weight, only 0.6~0.8KG is left (without changes in diet and exercise)

Q18. If I eat healthy food but fried, can I eat it?

A: No, the fried food is not pure anymore.

Q19. Can I only eat boiled food during weight loss?

A: It can be fried. But the best option is boiled> steamed> braised> fried> grilled> fried

Monday, December 21, 2020

52 years old looks like 38 years old! He recovered his age-adverse body by "fasting"

When I was in my thirties, I broke away from the life of an office worker and started a membership-based nail salon business. At the time, my goal was to become a public company, so I sacrificed sleep time and worked day and night.

But not long after I turned 40, my health started to light up, and there were problems all over my body.

After a detailed examination, the name of the disease was "tuberculosis".

Because of the possibility of contagion to others, I was immediately admitted to the isolation ward, betting on my career and forced to quit midway. I couldn't accept this blow, and repeatedly blamed myself for ruining my body during the hospitalization.

Fortunately, I recovered quickly and was discharged safely after three months. At this time, my mentality began to become positive, and I didn't want to waste this opportunity in vain, thinking "Can I apply this lesson to something?" Therefore, I am determined to establish a system that allows people to live healthy and young lives.

In the next 11 years, I read many books on beauty and health, such as beauty clinics, gyms, hair care centers, anti-aging medicine, etc., as long as they are beneficial to age or health, I would like to try them. In pursuit of youth and health, the amount I invested easily exceeded 100 million yen.

After accumulating various experiences, one thing convinced me. That is, youth and health are not obtained by money. It is a kind of "human ability" that can be created by oneself. In order to gain abilities, continuous effort is naturally indispensable. Anyone can definitely develop it after training.

It secretes rejuvenating hormones when fasting

Since two years ago, I started to practice the "eight hours slimming method" in order to maintain my body shape. The basic rule is to control the time of eating within eight hours during the day, nothing more. As long as it is within eight hours, you can basically rest assured to eat your favorite food. My personality is not good at calculating calories or nutrients while eating, so I don’t have to be taboo on the food I love. This is a very suitable method for weight loss.

Some people may wonder "Why can I still lose weight by eating the food I like?"

The reason is that the frequency of eating is actually reduced, and it can be sustained without excessive patience. However, what I pay more attention to is that this weight-loss method fits the body's biological clock. Please see the picture on the left. Nutritionally, a day is divided into three internal time zones. If you practice the eight-hour slimming method, you will naturally conform to this law of life. If you eat breakfast at 8 in the morning, you have to eat dinner before 4 in the afternoon, but this is too far from reality. There should be many people who eat their first meal after noon, and have dinner at around nine o'clock in the evening, so they can eat at a time when they should be "eating".

In this way, the body can use the stored nutrients during the time of "absorption" to fully metabolize. And in the time of "excretion and metabolism", the metabolic enzymes are active, which is beneficial to excrete excess old waste materials. The eight-hour slimming method can normalize the body's functions and maximize the original functions.

The remaining 16 hours should be hydrated. I often make black tea or drink fermented plant foods (powdered) in hot water. While practicing this slimming method, in order to maintain a sense of fullness, having "favorite tea" is a powerful helper.

Some people will give up this slimming method because they are afraid of fasting. But I think we should look at the feeling of fasting from a more positive perspective. Because it is said that when people are in a certain degree of hunger, their thoughts are clearer, especially their concentration and memory will improve.

Dr. Nan Yun Jize published in his book ""Fasting" Makes People Healthy" "published by SunMark" "The Chinese version of the book is titled "The Miracle of One Meal A Day: The Secret of a Famous Japanese Doctor Who is 57 and Younger than 30. It is true It is mentioned in "It's Not That Difficult" that the human body secretes a hormone called "Ghrelin" when on an empty stomach. The function of ghrelin is to produce appetite in the hypothalamus of the brain, and at the same time have an effect on the pituitary gland to promote the secretion of growth hormone.

The alias of this growth hormone is also called "rejuvenation hormone", which means it has an age-inverse effect. If you know that you can return to youth by maintaining an empty stomach, I believe it will not be so prohibitive.

MORNING 4:00~12:00

This time in the morning is not good for digestion and suitable for excretion. So you can eat some fruit, drink warm water, or drink the lettuce fruit into juice. Pay more attention to promoting detoxification.

DAY TIME 12:00~20:00

This period is suitable for digestion. It is recommended to set these 8 hours as the "meal time" and eat lunch and dinner at this time. When eating meat, pay attention to chewing slowly. If you want to eat starchy food, take advantage of noon.

NIGHT 20:00~4:00

At this time, the body's ability to absorb nutrients is at an advantage. Eating at this time is prone to indigestion, causing stomach congestion. The internal organs are also in a state of fatigue and their metabolism deteriorates. If you must eat at this time anyway, try to avoid starchy foods.

Netizens’ experience of 168 fasting

The following is the experience of netizens, for your reference.

My 168 fasting experience


The lifestyle needs to change with the time of eating, some need to adapt

After being restricted, I followed the restriction silently, resulting in a little messy eating

Maybe one or two passion fruit, one or two slices of toast, a few packets of biscuits a day will end

Although I lose weight quickly, my spirit is definitely getting worse!!

The purpose of fasting is mainly to limit eating time

So you still have to pay attention to whether the food you eat is sufficient and nutritious!


After catching the fasting lifestyle, I began to pay attention to food intake

So I bought my favorite lettuce and made my own salad

Chicken breast, hard-boiled eggs and steamed tofu are delicious!

Basically, breakfast and dinner will eat what I prepare

Now there will be extra species

``Yeah, I can only use these ingredients for whatever body I eat?!

You have to choose carefully!!!''

In addition, I obviously start to feel that my appetite has shrunk (Yeah, it’s super saving on food)

I also gave myself this homework to chew slowly!


The recent menstrual period is coming soon, I am so hungry in the middle of the night!!!

But in order to meet the goal of 16 hours

So there is one more reason to be determined not to steal cookies XD

(But I still ate it for a day or two)

It’s just three weeks now, and I obviously feel that my pants are loosening

I measured my weight and found that I lost almost three kilograms!

(The speed completely frightens me!)

Focus on finishing

In addition to restricting food, exercise and excretion are also very important aspects of weight loss.

I think I can be so fast this time

It’s because I’m not only doing 168 fast, but also reducing the amount of food

And even increased the amount of exercise during this time

But I think fasting at 168 is really a painless way to manage the body!

So everyone can try it too!

Sunday, December 20, 2020

A fat man who is lazy and loves to eat, to share his experience of intermittent fasting!

The following is the experience of netizens, for your reference.

Over thirty, metabolism deteriorates.

Obviously the taste is lighter than before, and the food is less than before, and the weight does not drop but rises. (Sleep is a big factor in my metabolism. As long as I have a full sleep, my weight will not soar and will stay flat!)

In March, I started to arrange my own class and study, and I was locked in a small room for 7 hours a day. The work and rest are also forced to be the same as normal office workers (but I am very busy at night, so I go to bed very late and wake up very early. I only sleep about 4 hours a day), and I eat whenever I want to sleep. I have been in class for only a week, and my weight has soared to an unprecedented height in my life, which broke me

When I was looking for a weight loss app, I found the fasting tracker. I remembered the documentaries I watched before, so I decided to try it!

Although there is not a lot of information in the app, it has everything to express! Anyway, it means that fasting is to repair the body, and stop the body from digesting.

The point is: He didn't stipulate what I must or forbidden to eat!

This is very important to me! ! ! Because there are so many inexplicable ways to lose weight, we have to follow various dietary principles all the time... If I have a way to maintain health like this, I won't get so fat, okay? Wash the supply and marketing prestige!

(I love vegetables, but I hate being prescribed!)

So when I started (I implemented the simplest 14-hour fast at the beginning), I was overfull, and then I started fasting! Go to bed when you are hungry!

If you wake up, you can extend the fasting time as much as possible. Eat baby! This weight loss method has been constantly emphasizing that not everyone is suitable. Ask your doctor like this

For me, there is no mental burden!

It is a very positive one: "Wow! You successfully fasted for 14 hours! Great!" Such encouragement!  People like us who are hungry and in a bad mood eat this set!

In case the goal is not reached for 14 hours, the app still encourages you to tell you: "Wow! You finished the 12-hour fast!" (Clap yourself!)

Then there is a small note during his fast:

Avoid high-intensity exercise during fasting

Replenish water, drink water, sugar-free herbal tea, sugar-free black coffee

Focus on places other than food

Avoid high-intensity exercise? It's okay I don't exercise!

Drink water and herbal tea? Damn, I used to drink tea and coffee every day!

After implementing this weight loss method, there are no sudden changes in body shape and weight, but I know that my appetite is slowly getting smaller. There is no need to exercise, no need to change my eating habits, as long as I try to extend the time without eating, my weight will slowly drop! ? It is really a relatively easy thing for me!

Even if one day’s mood explodes, and ran to eat a salty crispy chicken and milk tea, the weight would not rise too exaggerated! (I think it is to help me get stuck at the top. The top of the current body size is on the other side. As long as I eat the most, I just stand at that height.) It’s the one you think you can slow down by working hard for a few days. The degree of slowing down.

Of course, as a person who does not exercise and can eat salty and crispy chicken, it is natural to stop at a certain weight plateau!

When I have been stuck on the plateau for too long and I have spare energy, I will count my calories throughout the day and keep it around the basic calories. If you eat low-calorie food a little fiercely, your weight will lose 0.5 kg and 0.3 kg a day... (It looks like a lot of weight, doesn’t it? Because I’m fat so the number looks so good, kid)

For me, this is a weight loss method that is not difficult, stress-free, and easy to continue to form a habit. (I am currently fasting at most 17 or 18 hours, and then I feel like I'm going to beat the teacher who talks dry.)

I usually do 16/8 (no food for 16 hours, free eating for 8 hours), and I don’t think about fasting at 20/4 or 24-48-72 one day. (Food is a part of my life)

Because I gradually got used to it, my appetite decreased. When I actually used calorie calculations to control my diet, my emotions were relatively calm, there was no sense of frustration, and I would not blame myself for disgust. (But when I eat, people who say that I am fat will still be choked by me! The kind that sets him on fire!)

I have lost 3.5 kg so far, and I am not upset, I think I can continue! (This is the most important!)


One day, after I fasted for 16 hours, my classmate (at least 50 years old, right?) stood behind me and yelled at me: "Sister You didn’t mean you are losing weight? Why are you here? Eat starch? Why are you drinking this?” (pointing to my sugar-free black tea)

I turned my head and said, "People have to eat a basic amount of starch every day, or they will become stupid. Then even my mother didn't dare to tell me like this. How dare you talk to me like this?"

Aunt scared away.

Conclusion: If someone next to you is losing weight, you'd better shut up while he is eating!

Netizens’ experience of Indirect fasting experience

The following is the experience of netizens, for your reference.

I don’t know if anyone feels the same as me

Over 30, no regular exercise or fitness, eat the same food as usual

Just get fat and this kind of fat is different from 25 years old

If you are 25 years old, you will get back to your previous weight if you eat less

After 30 years old

Fat is fat

Standing on the scale

Whether it’s weight or body fat, rising is rising

When I was younger, my body fat 20 goal was still body fat 18

Now it’s body fat 24, and it’s hard to think of 23.9

I’m a girl who can eat two lunch boxes, but I’m easy to get fat.

So I started the 16/8 intermittent fasting method. The starting weight is 55.5-56KG body fat 24.3

The experience is

I didn’t restrain the contents for 8 hours, basically I won’t lose weight.

But the speed of getting fat is not fast.

When I first tried it, I ate from 1pm to 8pm, every meal in between was very rich

Milk tea, fried chicken steak, spicy hot pot, rice, normal bento, no more polite

It’s amazing at first. This way of eating doesn’t gain much weight.

But after maintaining for 3 weeks, the body adapted (not cooperated with exercise and eating too exaggerated)

At the beginning, the weight slowly rises and the body fat rises together 56-57.5 kg body fat 25

(According to my 8-hour content, it should be at least 5-8 kg fat)

So I adjusted the contents of my 8 hours

At the first meal, I will buy vegetables, all kinds of vegetables, tofu, all you can eat

Or ask him to remove the meal for me in a lunch box.

The drink will still be a cup of sugar-free fresh milk tea, sugar-free drink

The second meal time (to go home in the evening to relax) The evening meal I eat more unrestrained

Spicy small hot pot, just eat whatever you want, biscuits, snacks, chicken steak, and also can eat it at dinner

Drinks are sugar-free

Unknowingly, the two-meal control diet I adjusted to 18/6 eating  

Because sometimes the dinner will be at noon  I will become a noon big meal  Dinner is simple 

This is more suitable for me to eat like a starving ghost (same, still no exercise)

The weight slowly drops, the body fat also drops a little

At the moment it is flat at 54.8 54.9, body fat is very bad, at 24.2 24.3 (because I am not exercising)

It has been implemented for more than half a year, and there is currently no additional condition in the body. No cold, no sleepiness, no stomach pain, no sleepiness, no tremor, no hypoglycemia, no  

In conclusion, the contents should be selected. People who eat exaggeratedly and have no exercise habits will have ghosts if they are not fat.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Netizens’ experience of Indirect fasting experience

The following is the experience of netizens, for your reference.

I have tried a 3-month fast in a short period of time,

I have tried indirect fasting and low-carb and high-protein diets between January and March, and I have lost about 3 kilograms in three months of weight. In this combination, although I was a little uncomfortable at the beginning and the cost of meals increased, I saw myself My belly starts to see the lines of the abdominal muscles (if you work harder, you can go to the beach in the summer...), but in the current state in August, I basically have a little practice, the abdominal muscles are in a state of hyperemia, there is a slight line of!


Let me talk about the reasons for the initial combination. The adjustment of fasting can make the rest time of the body organs longer. It is helpful for me as a gout patient. Then time management, because I am busy at work, I can reduce the meal time and take a relative rest. Time becomes more, so I think it’s the biggest benefit and save time

Of course, there are other benefits. It can improve the efficiency of muscle gain and fat loss at the same time in the initial fitness stage. In terms of organ rest, there is also a slight reduction in meal expenses. After getting used to it, it is also because of the combination of a low-carbon and high-protein diet It's very costly...), when you feel full enough, you won't be hungry easily. Very suitable for people who work efficiently!


Although there are advantages that I personally think, but there are also disadvantages. This time I will only talk about "indirect fasting". The greedy people are very painful, because if you are not hungry, you just want to eat... I personally feel that during the initial transition period, it costs One week of matching, high-protein diet, or the two can be combined for a long time. In the later stage, unless there is a need for training, I will take time to fast for a while

Secondly, it’s because you are full during concentrated time, which may eventually evolve into one meal a day. After eating too full, your belly will be a little round and you will fall asleep. It is commonly known as "belly support eyelid loose", and because it is a meal, the meal time is almost the same. About two hours, of course, heating is also included in the time... (just enough to be full)

method of execution

Adaptation period:

  1. Shorten the meal time by 1 hour every day

    Assuming the daily meal time is 06:00-18:00, it starts to become 07:00-18:00,

    It becomes 07:00-17:00 the next day,

    On the third day it becomes 08:00-17:00,

    On the fourth day it becomes 08:00-16:00,

    On the fifth day it becomes 09:00-16:00,

Slowly become the common name, 16/8 or 18/6 or even 20/4. It depends on your own situation to adjust. At least 16 rests and 8 hours of meals. If you often have to spend dinner with your family, you can consider skipping breakfast and starting with lunch. It is very flexible of

If you are afraid of hunger, eat more meat and vegetables at the last meal to make yourself feel full so that you won’t be too hungry to sleep

  2. Ingest protein every day first to weight X 2g (I 65KG X 2g = 130g)

  3. Come to rest time, except water, any nutritious supplements, vitamins, or fruits and vegetables are forbidden, because the body is working, there is no rest... (Of course, you are still adapting during the adjustment period. Water can be added. Salt, or a cup of black coffee, after getting used to it, after entering the formal)

  4. If you get into the situation again, or you have a cold and get sick in the middle, because you need to take medicine, it is actually recommended to stop, or eat some fruits and vegetables to cushion your stomach, this is very important!!


It may still be a bit uncomfortable, but the physical resistance will not be so strong. At this time, most people like to eat, cakes, desserts, snacks, etc. But if you eat enough vegetables and protein, you basically end up eating these , I don’t eat too much, you can suggest using nuts instead of snacks


When you get used to it, you will actually get enough nutrition every now and then. Breakfast and dinner may not be so hungry. You can skip a meal and fast. This method of controlling time is also very suitable to leave it alone and increase muscle training time. , Or losing body fat is very suitable!

Netizens’ experience of One month fasting experience sharing

The following is the experience of netizens, for your reference.

Three meals a day since childhood

This model can be questioned, which aroused my interest in fasting

In the past, I thought that fasting was a short-sightedness and short-sightedness.

But in fact, I went to check the information, and then I knew the logic and research behind it.

It’s not as simple as dieting as I thought

Prepare sea salt vitamins

Start experiment

See if my body goes on fasting, will it be as magical as fasting said

"First Week 16/8"

Start skipping breakfast and supper

Just eat lunch and dinner

Because the company only has convenience stores and Raya Burgers to choose from

Breakfast is basically fine carbohydrate or high-fat rotten food

So I used the company’s breakfast discount to buy hot spring eggs and banana hot coffee

Save the eggs and bananas for the afternoon

For lunch, choose a company set meal with a non-fried main course

For dinner eaters, they also choose non-fried bento.

Sedentary office workers, TDEE calories catch 1800

"The second week 18/6+1 day break"

"The third to fourth week 20/4+1 day break"

Basically the food is the same, but the time is shrinking tighter

Water fast every Saturday, no food, only water and sea salt vitamins

Re-eating on Sundays, eat some liquid food first, rest for an hour and then eat dinner

I won’t take the weight-loss route on Sundays, I will eat all kinds of desserts and grilled rice that I look forward to a week

In this mode

Lost 3 kg in a month without losing muscle mass

I feel this method is really powerful

in conclusion

1. Be gradual and adapt slowly

2. If I fast for a day, I will not fall asleep, and I will wake up hungry after two or three hours of sleep, which affects my jet lag

3. I drink coffee on an empty stomach to refresh myself, and there is no discomfort in the stomach. Some people may be worried about gastroesophageal reflux.

4. 3~3.5 kg a month should be regarded as normal speed

5. Get thirsty easily and need to drink more water

6. Going to work has a clear mind and will not lose energy

Fasting is easier to perform than expected, but the effect is really good

And it’s very flexible. I occasionally want to have a meal with my friends. It’s okay. Just start fasting tomorrow.

When the weight drops to the target value, it will maintain 168, which is especially suitable for my lifestyle

For your reference

Friday, December 18, 2020

Netizens’ experience of 48 hours fasting experience

The following is the experience of netizens, for your reference.

First day

0830 Woke up for a cup of coffee, and took another cup to go out.

1600 I was a little hungry at first, but I was overwhelmed by drinking a little more water.

2000 I feel my head is chaotic, and I am in a bad mood. After soaking in salt water and drinking it, it is better. It should be because of unstable blood sodium. Then I took vitamins and calcium powder.

2230 I wanted to sleep, so I lay down for an hour. I don't know if I was tired or something. After taking a shower, I lost one kilogram of weight, but most of it should be water? Although I drink a lot of water throughout the day.

The next day

0400 My stomach keeps grunting, but I don't want to eat very much (hunger and appetite are two different things!), eat a pack of probiotics before going to bed.

1030 Wake up and feel good, but I have symptoms of low blood pressure. Do some simple exercises (plank support, aerial cycling, yoga stretching, etc.).

1200 drank a cup of coffee.

1430 Observed the body while changing clothes, because the stomach disappeared obviously without food, and the skin looked pale. His head is a little dizzy, he is walking and his stomach is empty, but he still has little appetite. I ate a vitamin before going out and soaked in sea salt lemonade. I hope I don’t pass out during the closing class today. Haha

2300 I got off work alive and drank a little sea salt lemonade when I was uncomfortable, but I was still tired and unhappy. Going to sing with friends later should start eating, so this fast is about 48 hours.

In conclusion

I have the habit of fasting at 8-16. I tried 6-18 or 4-20 a while ago, so you should measure your physical condition before trying!

In fact, this fast is very temporary

I originally wanted to challenge 72 hours at a time, but I was too hasty. It might be 60 next week and 72 next week. Successful update next week

A simple way to get ketones fast-egg fast

 Eggs are the source of life and are very nutritious. They are really rare supplements for the common people.

Without further ado, how do you do egg fasting?

Egg fasting, as the name implies, is to eat eggs all day long. Of course, it is not random eating, but has principles and rules:

For the first time, eat the first meal of eggs within 30 minutes of getting up every day. If you are already ketogenic, of course you are not hungry or not, but those who practice egg fasting are those who have broken ketones or are not ketones. In order to avoid hunger and discomfort due to low blood sugar, you should eat egg-rich eggs as soon as possible after getting up

Eggs are rich in nutrition, but not enough fat. Therefore, it is recommended that during the egg fasting period, one tablespoon of healthy fat should be used for each egg. Of course, this is an approximation, oil filling is absolutely unnecessary, but at least 3-5 tablespoons of good fat should be consumed a day. Fat selection can be coconut oil, olive oil, butter, lard, duck oil and avocado

Every 3 hours, at most 5 hours, I have to eat a meal of eggs. As above, most people who practice egg fasting are those who have broken ketones or have not entered ketones, so even if they are not hungry, they must eat eggs to stabilize blood sugar and prevent discomfort due to hunger.

Finally, for body nutrition, eat at least 6 eggs a day, and don’t eat it 3 hours before bedtime

Four modes that fasting office workers can easily get started

 Today I will talk about the three types of fasting for office workers. In theory, office workers are the most difficult group to fast. Mainly because they usually don’t have time to prepare lunches, the rest time is fixed, and there may not be suitable food nearby the company. of. Because this article is for novices, I will try to keep it simple.

I personally divide fasting into 168, one meal a day, and 52 fasting. However, people who usually fast will also be combined with a reduced sugar diet or a ketogenic diet. The reason is simple. The benefit of tracking fasting by the New England Journal of Medicine NEJM is based on the human body’s ketone concentration index, so many fasting people will follow Time to implement a reduced sugar diet.

For novice workers, I think it’s better to focus on fasting at 168, and then gradually evolve to one meal a day. The so-called 168 fasting refers to not eating for 16 hours out of 24 hours a day. The food for a day is mainly controlled at lunch and dinner within 8 hours. Some people have been accustomed to skipping breakfast since they were young, and they are essentially performing a 168 fast without knowing it.

The first stage, super novice period (getting started 168 fasting):

And if you are accustomed to eating breakfast, and worry that you will be hungry if you don’t eat breakfast, and you can’t concentrate at work, you can drink bulletproof coffee, because drinking bulletproof coffee can make people less hungry, and usually can Maintain the autophagy effect during fasting. It has become the first choice for many people to start fasting.

At this stage, for office workers who were used to breakfast, their three meals may become bulletproof coffee for breakfast, lunch and dinner as before, but they will finish eating within eight hours.

The second stage, the transition period (168 fasting with hands-on food control):

I'm used to using bulletproof coffee for breakfast. If you finish eating lunch and dinner within eight hours, basically you have executed a 168 fast now. If you want to go further, I would recommend starting to control your food. Under the premise that the eating time is the same, Reduce the refined carbohydrate of lunch and dinner and increase the intake of other nutrients. If you eat right at this time, you will find yourself less and less afraid of hunger. But be aware that you may make a mistake at this time. In addition to eating less refined carbohydrates, you must also increase your intake of other nutrients. At this stage, as long as you eat the right content, you should basically not feel hungry.

At this stage, people who are familiar with 168 fasting, its three meals may become bulletproof coffee for breakfast, no refined carbohydrate for lunch and dinner, but other protein or fat will be added, and it will be eaten within eight hours. Some people It may be found that the food and beverage expenses have increased by 1.5 times or even twice during this period, which is normal. It’s not that it’s too expensive to eat, but the things we ate in the past were too bad. After all, refined carbohydrates and high blood sugar are the guarantee of satiety, excitement and low cost. Most restaurants are good at providing such food to most people. In the later stage, when breakfast is not hungry, you can also drink black coffee instead of bulletproof.

The third stage, advanced stage (one meal a day)

If the second stage is executed well, about three weeks, usually the body will become very afraid of being hungry. At this time, it can evolve into the original bulletproof coffee for breakfast. Instead, drink it at lunch time. Drink only black coffee for breakfast and eat only for one day. One meal for dinner. At the beginning, you can eat some nuts in the afternoon. It will become one meal a day or 204 fast. As long as you control your food well, you can basically cut into one meal a day without pain.

At this stage, people who are familiar with 168 plus food control, its three meals may become, breakfast black coffee, lunch bulletproof coffee, dinner does not eat refined carbohydrates, but will supplement other protein or fat, and eat full, to the later stage When you are not hungry for lunch, you can also skip BTS.

The fourth stage, the bursting period (52 fasting)

If the third stage is done well and there is a progress goal and you want to try the May 2 fast, it will become two days a week, and the calorie intake is controlled within 500 calories. I personally recommend a cup of bulletproof coffee for lunch. , A cup of bulletproof cocoa for dinner, or a cup of bulletproof coffee for lunch and three eggs for dinner.

If you fast for more than 52 hours and want to challenge 48 hours, I will not introduce it. You should know how to eat.

Summary of fasting for office workers:

Don't be confused by a bunch of numbers, fasting has only one important point. Keep the eating window as short as possible.

From three meals a day to two meals a day (168 fasting)

From two meals a day to 1.5 meals a day (204 fasting)

From two meals a day to one meal a day (231 fasting)

From one meal a day to one meal two days (52 fasting)

And if you are hungry during the transition period, bulletproof coffee will be a good helper to help overdoing, but you must remember a few key points. Fasting and control are completely different from dieting. Fasting only limits the eating time window and does not limit calories. Usually, during the whole process, as long as you start to control your food, it is best to have a full meal at every meal. After control and fasting, you will usually feel full for more time than hungry a day.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Eat less oil and meat, why can't you avoid diabetes?

 The 56-year-old Chen woman is a patient with a slightly fat body, a history of hypertension, and no family history of diabetes. She usually pays attention to health preservation. She cooks three meals by herself and eats a light diet. However, she has been diagnosed with diabetes during a health check.

The doctor asked the doctor that the woman's daily diet consisted of breakfast cereals, milk with fruits, low oil, less meat, and more vegetables for lunch, and two bowls of rice to maintain a sense of fullness. Dinner was halved, but from 9 to 10 in the evening. When you feel hungry, you will drink a bowl of red bean soup; oatmeal, fruit, rice, and red bean soup contain more sugar per unit volume.

The key to women suffering from diabetes is not "oil", but "sugar". The average person's calorie sources are divided into three categories: sugar, fat, and protein. If the daily sugar intake is set at 130 grams, which accounts for about 20% to 25% of the calorie source, it is a low-sugar diet.

He said that there are no special restrictions on the oil and protein in a low-sugar diet, which can maintain a sense of fullness and avoid bulimia due to hunger. If a low-sugar diet is paired with good oils, it will reduce the harmful glycation end products of the body, and the blood sugar will not Rising, indicators such as glycosylated hemoglobin and blood sugar after meals will be improved, which can not only prevent diabetes, but also the best dietary strategy for diabetic patients.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Take medicine obediently to get better?

Take medicine obediently to get better? Physician: The effect of food treatment may not inject drugs

Who says medicine is effective, food is not

Food can not only reverse the performance of genes, food also has curative effects, and the performance is not worse than drugs, or even better than drugs (no side effects' extension related problems). This is definitely not my casual nonsense, many studies can confirm and support this claim.

Iron Syndrome 1: High blood concentration of vitamin D can improve insulin sensitivity by 60%, while medicine is only 13%

In 2002, Ken C Chui and other medical doctors published their research in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which showed that the main hypoglycemic drug Metformin can only improve insulin sensitivity The high blood concentration of vitamin D can improve insulin sensitivity by 60%. It can be seen that nutrients improve insulin sensitivity better than drugs.

Natural plants are a treasure trove of biological activity

The so-called biologically active substances refer to substances that have various effects on the body after entering the body. There are many types of them, including sugars, lipids, protein peptides, sterols, alkaloids, glycosides..., We often hear that polysaccharides, dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, mineral elements, etc. are all biologically active substances. Generally, abundant biologically active substances can be found in natural plants.

Iron proof 2: Drinking coffee every day reduces the risk of liver cancer by half

A study of 90,000 people in Tokyo in 2005 confirmed that drinking coffee for middle-aged people can reduce liver cancer by 50% (Inoue, 2005). This is a prospective generational study conducted by the Tokyo National Cancer Center. They analyzed the rates of liver cancer among people who have never or hardly drank coffee over the past ten years and those who drank coffee every day.

Research and analysis found that the rate of people who drink coffee every day suffering from liver cancer is 214·6 per 100,000 people; while the rate of people who barely touch coffee suffers from liver cancer is 547 per 100,000 people. • Two people.

The results of the study found that drinking coffee every day greatly reduces the chance of developing liver cancer by half.

In addition, research also tells us that drinking one to two cups of coffee a day can have a protective effect. If you drink four cups of coffee a day, the protective effect can reach 75%. Later, in February 2010, the same result was obtained in the research of National Taiwan University.

As for the effect of drugs, treatment of viral hepatitis with antiviral drugs can only reduce liver cirrhosis by 36% and liver cancer by 50%, which is far inferior to four cups of coffee.

Apple's life-saving effect may be as good as blood lipid-lowering drugs!

Iron proof three: Eating an apple a day is equal to the number of lives saved by lipid-lowering drugs

In 2013, the world-class authoritative medical journal "British Medical Journal" (BJM British Medical Journal) published a study from Oxford University. The researchers said that using a mathematical model simulation, if 70% of the population over the age of 50 in the UK eat an apple a day, it can reduce 8,500 deaths from heart disease every year: if you take statins (lowering blood lipids) Drugs), you can save 9,400 lives.

Therefore, researchers at Oxford University say that eating an apple a day should be a compulsory course for everyone over the age of fifty. Because compared with statins, apples can save a similar number of lives each year, and there are no side effects that cause cataracts, diabetes, and muscle diseases.

Adjusting your lifestyle, such as diet, is the foundation of treatment

The above studies are all strong evidence that food and nutrients can prevent and reduce the morbidity rate. Then I share a case from my side.

I once had a right-hand man. Because my father was demented and chose to temporarily leave the workplace, he returned home to take care of this old child who was still free, but his head was degrading. The old child had delusions because of dementia. He suspected that someone was going to steal his money all day long, and even thought that everyone wanted to harm him, so he violently confronted his wife.

Later, I asked my assistant dad to eat turmeric for half a bowl a day. One month later, his dementia improved. Not only did he stop beating and scolding, he had no delusions, and he even recovered to a state where he could communicate.

In fact, physicians in the United States attach great importance to the impact of lifestyles on diseases, and believe that incorrect lifestyles play a very important role in the pathogenic factors, especially the third-grade chronic diseases. When the disease is diagnosed, the doctors will ask the patient to adjust their lifestyle.

However, this concept and practice in Taiwan have not yet matured, and I really regret it. Regarding the statement that "medicine can cure diseases, food has no effect", I sincerely hope that everyone can think more about it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

How to match the right food during a light fast

Light fasting has become a very popular new way of healthy living. The most common and easy way to do is to follow a normal diet 5 days a week and light fasting 2 days (ie 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men).

But what does 500 or 600 calories look like?

Knowing that making the best food choices is the key to a successful 5:2 fasting diet.

Here are some helpful suggestions:

On fasting days, the daily calorie intake should be within the range of 500 or 600 calories, and many people will feel hungry. Under normal circumstances, eating 500 or 600 calories will lead to hunger, especially at the beginning of the implementation of this plan, often entangled in considering how much to eat in a day, what to eat, hunger is particularly obvious.

Foods with high protein content and low gastrointestinal index should be selected. Choosing foods with a low gastrointestinal index and/or high protein content can ensure that you will not experience any sharp fluctuations in blood sugar, subsequent food cravings, or uncomfortable empty feelings in the stomach. But doing so does not mean that you must always live on a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet.

Fasting days are not an absolute limit on fat intake, but low-fat foods are recommended. Choose healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, avocado oil, ghee, or organic butter from grass-fed cattle. To limit the amount of fat, for example, add a teaspoon of olive oil to a mixed green salad, rather than just as much.

If you need the feeling of fullness, choosing a salad is a good choice. It is difficult to limit calories from excessive consumption of dark green leafy vegetables, so you can eat more spring mixed vegetables or spinach.

Pay attention to taste. The more flavors, the higher the satisfaction. The more delicious a food, the more satisfying it is to eat. Adding some lemon juice or orange juice or some citrus flavor to your meals can increase the flavor of the food you eat and make them more delicious.

Use a kitchen scale. In order to get the most accurate calorie count, the food needs to be weighed and measured after it is prepared.

Avoid white starch carbohydrates on fasting days. These white carbohydrates include white bread, white rice, pasta and white potatoes.

Drink more water. Thirst often manifests as hunger. More than 70% of the human body is liquid, so drink at least 8 glasses of liquid every day, especially water. On fast days, drink more liquids (within 10 to 12 8-ounce glasses). Therefore, when you feel hungry, drinking a cup of herbal tea, green tea or unsweetened black tea, a cup of black coffee, or a large cup of water will not only help fill your stomach, but also keep your mind away from hunger. You can try adding cucumber, mint or strawberry to the filtered water, or adding ice cubes.

If you are fasting, do not eat fruit.

Do not drink alcoholic beverages when fasting.

A 2012 study found that many people consume more than 300 calories per day from alcohol.

How to increase autophagy without fasting

There are some methods that can increase autophagy without enduring fasting, or adding these methods with intermittent fasting can promote autophagy even more.

1. Aerobic exercise

Cardiopulmonary exercise is one of the methods that have been proven to increase autophagy. A study published in the journal Autophagy found that surrounding tissues such as the liver, muscles, heart, and even the brain will induce autophagy during aerobic exercise. In simple terms, this is an adaptation to a stressor.

It can be said that when you are doing aerobic exercise (low-intensity exercise), this low-intensity exercise only needs enough extra energy to provide the body with the need to increase efficiency; in order to increase efficiency, it abandons those we don’t The part of discarded cells needed.

If the exercise intensity is increased, the body will enter a high-pressure mode, and the effect of autophagy begins to weaken. Therefore, maintaining proper exercise intensity can improve the body's autophagy ability, the main reasons are:

(1) Depletion of Acetyl Coenzyme A. When you run out of fuel (glucose), the body starts autophagy; when you run out of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, the body starts to increase autophagy (because there is no food available).

(2) Reduce mTOR. mTOR is the activation signal of autophagy, and it releases the signal of autophagy when lifting weight, gaining muscle, or even gaining fat. Their relationship is very similar to the relationship between insulin and blood sugar. When autophagy is high, mTOR will be low, and when mTOR is high, autophagy capacity will be low, and the two constantly maintain a balance.

When you are doing some relaxing exercises, the mTOR is low, and the autophagy ability is increased; when you are doing high-intensity exercise, the mTOR is increased and the autophagy ability is reduced. Because the body is only trying to repair and build, rather than digest all the energy reserves.

(3) Improve AMPK. AMPK is an energy sensor in the body. When you run out of fuel, this sensor will turn on the switch to start absorbing energy from body fat and the entire body, including absorbing old cells. This is autophagy and this is also cardiopulmonary exercise. Such a powerful place.

2. High-intensity intermittent exercise

This seems to contradict the previous theory? Actually otherwise, the key is intermittent. You may not get very good results at the beginning, but as long as you persist, you will slowly feel its benefits.

When doing high-intensity interval training, the body enters a low-oxygen environment, and intense exercise makes oxygen preferentially used by cardiopulmonary activities, which makes cells unable to get oxygen and die, which is called apoptosis. Apoptosis is a good thing, it is also necessary for the human body.

At the beginning of high-intensity aerobic exercise, some cells will die, but when your body becomes accustomed to high-intensity exercise, the cells will begin to adapt and begin to replace apoptosis through autophagy.

A paper published in the journal "PLOS ONE" studied interval training and medium-intensity continuous training (a bit high-intensity but not high-intensity interval). Compared with the control group, the researchers found that interval training and continuous training Autophagy increased regularly in the moderate-intensity training group, which was better than the control group.

It can be seen that high-intensity interval training triggers more autophagy after five weeks. Although high-intensity interval training does not help autophagy in the short term, it will help autophagy as long as it persists.

3. Green tea

Green tea may be one of the most helpful foods for promoting autophagy. A paper in the journal "PLOS ONE" found that the polyphenols and catechins in green tea (such as EGCG) help to promote autophagy. It can promote the formation of autophagosomes in the liver. In addition, green tea also Can trigger some AMPL.

4. Coffee

General coffee and decaffeinated coffee can promote autophagy, also because it contains polyphenols. The polyphenols in coffee seem to stimulate autophagy by stopping mTOR. Remember the relationship between mTOR and autophagy?

1~4 hours after drinking coffee, the polyphenols in coffee will inhibit mTOR. In addition, the caffeine in coffee can also promote autophagy through AMPK. Coffee has a double effect. If you like coffee, drink some, especially during fasting, because drinking coffee during fasting will enhance fasting autophagy. effect.


You can add a little ginger to the water when fasting. The active ingredient of ginger, 6-singerenol, has been studied in the cancer field. It can inhibit the downstream pathways of AKT (protein kinase) and mTOR. Ginger can induce autophagy by inhibiting mTOR, so that you can enter autophagy faster. Bring a little ginger in the morning, add a little ginger to the ketogenic diet, and add a little ginger to the water during fasting to get better results.

6. Ketogenic diet

When our body is in a state of ketosis, it will trigger the body's autophagy response.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Diabetes can be cured

 The following is the experience of netizens, for your reference.

Latest news: In mid-November 2020, the AiC has been reduced from 7.2 to 6.3. The doctor was surprised to know that I could have such a big improvement without taking medicine, saying that I have no diabetes. My goal is to drop to 5.5-5.8.

In the past few years, I have been troubled by pre-diabetes. I officially entered diabetes in November last year. My A1C reached 7.2. The doctor started asking me to take Metformin (a very common diabetes drug), but the doctor told me that it might take my life. Take medicine, because diabetes is a lifetime with no cure. After taking Metformin for half a year, I began to study diabetes carefully. I found that diabetes can be completely cured, but I must change my eating habits. Basically, diabetes is a problem of metabolism derailment, so medication or exercise will not help. Only start with diet to address the so-called "insulin resistance" problem.

Here I will introduce to you about insulin and diet therapy. The best treatment is to use diet and intermittent fasting together. Information about fasting will be introduced on another page. Please remember that I am not a doctor, nor a dietitian, so what I publish here is only based on my own experience and research results. You should also do some research yourself to formulate treatment strategies suitable for your physical condition.

Let everyone read an email sent to me by a friend:

Three years ago, I found out that I had diabetes, A1C test 10 -11, and I took medicine. (I used to walk three to four miles a day, 30LB. These months are very small walks) But I do not sleep well, on average 4-5 hours per night. I told my doctor Diabete if sleeping well would affect it. He said that's not a problem. At the end of last year, besides taking medicine, he added 2 kinds of insulin. Every time I go, I add medicine and ask me to exercise, so I don’t want to go again. Up. I am in good physical condition and I can also eat sweets. Seeing your health status, I hope to get advice from you on how to improve this problem through this email.

This is my reply to him:

10-11 is a very serious type of diabetes, you must change your eating habits immediately, otherwise it will permanently damage your body (including the brain, eyes, liver, and even the legs will be removed in the future, so you can't delay or despise it). The way to pay for one person is to take medicine and inject insulin, but these two methods treat the symptoms and not the root cause. They will tell you that this is a life-long situation and there is no cure, but in fact they are very wrong and tired people. I have to buy medicines and injections for the rest of my life, but the condition will not be helped. Diabetes is a serious problem in the body's metabolism, because the body is resistant to insulin. The role of insulin is to store the body's sugar and fat in the cells, but too much sugar and fat Insulin cannot cope with entering the body, and the body produces resistance. Sugar and fat cannot enter the cells. Therefore, people are obese (big belly, body organs are full of fat), and sugar follows the blood vessels throughout the body, which is diabetes. Diabetes must be cured. Yes, many patients with diabetes are cured in a short period of time Intermittent fasting must be performed to allow the body to use the sugar and fat in the body for a longer period of time. Naturally, you will lose weight, and you must also change your eating habits (diet) , It is best to use keto diet-low carbohydrate, high fat food, which greatly reduces the body's sugar content and reduces the body's production of insulin (fat entering the body will not touch insulin).

Eat more fat

Animal fats are very good fats. There is no need to avoid them. Steak fat, pork and chicken fat are good for the body, so recently we often eat pickled pork meat, in addition to butter, Avocado, cream cheese , sour cream can be eaten. If the body eats more fat, slowly the body will get used to turning fat into energy, instead of using carbohydrates (such as rice and bread, etc.) to make energy for the body, so that the body’s sugar content is reduced Will gradually decrease. Sugar is very harmful to the body.

You can continue to eat the foods you like, but give your body a longer time to use the sugar and fat stored in the body. It is also best to minimize eating cereals like rice or bread.

When you change your diet, the main food is changed to high-fat food, and you won't feel hungry.

Please read the following conversation between me and another friend:

8/12/2020 Mr. Lin Xiurong: Hello, thank you for sharing the fasting method and detailed guidelines for me. I have implemented it for two weeks and I feel good. As you said, it’s easy to feel no hunger. I lost weight. I lost four pounds in the past two weeks. My blood sugar has also dropped significantly. Of course, I still have a long way to go. I have used many methods before. On TV, the real and effective examples of success have given me a lot of encouragement. I have used the 16/8 method to lose weight in these two weeks. It seems to be very effective. Thank you for your help and thank you for sharing. In addition to finance, investment and taxation, you can often help people, but also help others in health. I admire your knowledgeable, knowledgeable, and selfless enthusiasm for helping others. You really deserve to be a true Christian. Thank the Lord, I also wish you a healthy family and family, and continue to help friends in need!

8/12/2020 My answer to her: very good, remember to eat more high-fat foods, butter, avocado, beef and pork with fat, etc., these concentrated fat are good for the body, and will also Help you not feel hungry, and train your body to start to detect fat as energy. I have completely avoided white rice, bread and noodles. These high-carbohydrate foods will immediately turn into sugar, which is bad for the body.

9/16/2020 Mr. Xiu Rong, hello, according to your help, share and guide the 16/8 intermittent weight loss method. It has been more than a month. I successfully lost 10 pounds, and my blood sugar was reduced from 156 to 110. So my doctor also I have reduced the amount of diabetes medicine. This is very encouraging news, so I hope to share it with you and I sincerely thank you for your help. But in the past two weeks, I have not lost weight. I don’t know why, I asked myself and followed it comfortably. Low-carb and high-fat eating habits, starch does not stick to the mouth, the morning and evening two are completed within 8 hours without cheating, but I have not seen any weight loss in more than 10 days. I am a little discouraged because I did something wrong ? Please give pointers.

9/16/2020 My answer to her: Congratulations on successfully losing 10 pounds. It is common to stop during weight loss, because the body is used to it. If you still want to lose weight, you need to stop intermittently. Eating breakthrough, now I am used to 18/6, I can eat only one meal for one or two days, that is to 23/1, but it does not need to be done every day. In addition, I also need to do some exercise, I try to walk every day 5-10 miles.

Prolonging the fasting time is for the body to use the stored sugar and fat more effectively. A longer fasting will also cause the body to start autophagy, which means that the body will remove bad cells by itself.

10/13/2020: I hereby inform me that in the past three months, I have accepted your guidance and support. I have achieved some results on the way to lose weight. I have lost 26 pounds in three months, and my mental and physical abilities are much better than before. The blood sugar control is very satisfactory. The doctor told me that if the status quo is still maintained by the end of the year, I can stop the medication. It is a very encouraging thing, so I can’t wait to tell and share this information with you. In addition to being grateful, this is also some motivation for me, just like a report table given by a student to the teacher! I'm still following the 16/8 plan. I haven't lost weight for three weeks, but the clothes are obviously loose by one size (two?). So keep going, because I still have more than 20 pounds and I have to work hard. Thank you for giving me a good start and confident support!

10/13/2020 My answer to her: I lost 26 pounds in three months — Congratulations, try to maintain it and not let the pounds rise again.

16/8 has had good results, and the body has obviously adapted to it. You can take a step forward to continue to lose weight and eliminate the remaining sugar and fat in the body. You can try to change the usual 16/8 to 18/6, this is just A very subtle change, so that the body has two more hours of fasting. Then you can try a Monday 23/1, for example, after dinner at five o'clock, and eat the second meal at five o'clock the next day , Let the body fast for 24 hours. At the beginning, you may feel a little uncomfortable, but you will enjoy it when you get used to it. I am now 23/1 for one to two days a week, and 18/6 for the rest of the week. Does the diet increase fat intake? ? If you have enough fat, you won’t feel hungry. The body starts to get used to burning fat as energy and work as energy, and the brain is very clear, because the body no longer depends on glucose, it means to burn Ketone (ketone), yes Fuel ten times better than glucose.

There is another thing to consider, to replenish the minerals lost by the body, because if you don’t eat carbohydrates after changing the diet, your body’s minerals will be lost with water

His website

Netizens’ experience of indirect fasting

The following is the experience of netizens, for your reference.

I have been doing "intermittent fasting" for the past two months. This latest fasting method not only cures diabetes thoroughly, but is also good for cancer and other diseases because it helps you eliminate harmful sugars in your body. Weight and fat help you lose weight. Obesity directly causes many diseases, and the body is naturally healthy. Also, when you are older, your brain is not clear. After eliminating excess sugar and fat, your brain will become clear and your memory will be significantly improved.

I have lost 20 pounds in two months, my waist circumference has been reduced from 32 to 28 inches, my belly has completely disappeared, and my spirits are better than before. Now I travel 10 miles every day, which is totally inappropriate.

At the beginning, you can do 12/12 fast. This method is very simple: let you not eat at all for 12 hours a day, for example, if you eat dinner at 6 o'clock in the evening, then do not eat at all, and will not eat breakfast until 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. This is the beginning.

After that, you can start 18/6: eat only two meals a day, finish eating within 6 hours, and skip food at all for the remaining 18 hours. I now have 5 days a week to do 18/6: the first morning/noon every day Lunch is at noon, dinner is at 6 o'clock, and there is no food at all for the next 18 hours, not even snacks.

In addition, I fast for 23 hours on two days a week, that is, I only eat one meal a day. Allowing the body to use most of the sugar and fat stored in the body is very good for health.

This is the latest and most popular method of healthy eating. The purpose is to prevent the body from producing too much insulin, allowing the body to consume stored sugars and fats to achieve weight loss and completely cure diabetes. After fasting for more than ten hours, the cells of the body start autophagy. The cells will eat bad cells in the body by themselves, thereby renewing the cells of the body, which is very good for the body. You can do some research on the Internet. The 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to a Japanese doctor who studies this aspect.

Fasting should also be added to a low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet. This diet has many research reports showing that it is the best method.

During the fast, I can drink coffee, tea and water, so I just drink a cup of coffee in the morning, with organic butter in the coffee. Chinese food at 12 o’clock and dinner at 6 pm. I eat mainly meat (beef, pork, Chicken) and fish (sardines, salmon), also eat a few eggs and avocado (Avocado) and vegetables, use a lot of olive oil, high-fat foods that were not daring to eat before can be eaten, including organic butter, bacon, Cheese, but don’t eat cereals (rice, noodles, bread, etc.) high-carbohydrate foods at all. My diet is called Ketodiet (ketogenic), and intermittent fasting will make you lose weight in a short time And began to cure diabetes and other patients.

His website

Sunday, December 13, 2020

The first meal starts at 1pm! 16/8 Intermittent fasting method: eat like this, reduce fat and retain muscle

The study recruited 34 men with more than five years of retraining experience and divided them into a fasting group and a normal group to examine the effects of fasting for 16 hours a day on body composition and metabolism.

What is the concept of five-year weight training? Their average weight is 83-85 kg, body fat is about 13-15%, and the grip and push weight is 107-109 kg. They may not be top bodybuilders, but they are definitely not beginners. They are quite eye-catching when they undress at the beach.

In terms of diet, they are required to maintain the original calorie intake (100% of the daily requirement), and only adjust the eating time:

Fasting group: Three meals a day, at one in the afternoon, four in the afternoon, and eight in the evening.

Normal group: Three meals a day, at eight in the morning, one in the afternoon, and eight in the evening.

In training, they retrained three days a week, and the menu looked like this:

Day 1: Grip push, tilt dumbbell fly, two-head curl.

The second day: shoulder push, leg press, leg curl, leg extension.

Day 3: Pull down on the wide and narrow grip pulleys and press down with three heads.

Three sets of 6-8 repetitions for each movement, to exhaustion, rest for 180 seconds between sets.

What happened to their bodies after eight weeks?

The fat in the fasting group lost 1.6 kg, while the fat in the normal group did not change. There was no loss of muscle mass in both groups. To be honest, the fasting group also gained 0.6 kg of muscle (not statistically significant).

Without adjusting the calorie intake of the subjects, only changing the time can produce the effect of reducing fat, which is similar to the mouse study we mentioned earlier.

Both groups also retained at least the original muscle strength, and even some growth in the grip and push event (not statistically significant). For people who have been weight training for more than five years and have a body fat of 13-15%, it is not easy to lose 1.6 kg of fat in eight weeks while retaining muscle strength and muscle mass without reducing total calorie intake. !

In addition, intermittent fasting also produces many health-promoting effects:

  • Increased insulin sensitivity: both fasting insulin and blood sugar decreased in the fasting group, but not in the normal group.
  • Triglycerides decreased.
  • The fasting Respiratory ratio decreases: This means that the body's fat burning ability is better.
  • Both IGF-1 and male hormones decreased (Note 1)
  • The inflammation index TNF-α decreased.
These are muscular young men with an average age of 28-29! After performing intermittent fasting, health promotion effects can be obtained, which is really "icing on the cake."

5 tips to improve the effect of "intermittent fasting"!

 Here are 5 tips to help intermittent fasting be more effective!

1. Be careful not to overeat

Some people feel that eating time is limited during intermittent fasting, so they can eat and drink as much as they want during the eating period, or they may only eat two meals a day, but eat a lot and eat a lot at each meal, Instead of eating too much food and too many calories unknowingly, this of course will affect the effect of light fasting.

Those who eat two or three meals during the meal period can choose to eat a vegetable salad if they feel a little hungry between meals. Compared with other foods, vegetable salad does not secrete too much insulin. The rich fiber can also increase satiety and promote gastrointestinal motility.

2. Supplement potassium

Abnormal insulin secretion can cause problems such as obesity, poor memory, and cardiovascular disease. Potassium is an important mineral that can help solve insulin problems. So many people do intermittent fasting to solve these problems. By eating a lot of potassium-rich foods such as vegetables, bananas, spinach, or supplementing potassium in health products, helping to get enough potassium is the secret weapon to accelerate the effect of fasting.

3. Take a progressive fast

Intermittent fasting should not be too fast or too aggressive, especially for people with low blood sugar, should gradually shorten the eating time without the body feeling reluctant or uncomfortable to avoid blood sugar problems. For people who have a long eating time a day and eat a lot, if you want to shorten the eating time to 4 hours or 8 hours at a time, it is a bit difficult, you can start with 10 hours to try, you can also eat three meals a day, but do not eat snacks, and control the time within 10 hours until you can adapt to a little, then shorten the eating time to 8 hours, and after a period of adaptation, shorten it again.

4. Ensure enough sleep

When people are under high pressure or tired, they are more likely to feel hungry, and the secretion of cortisol will increase significantly, which will increase insulin and prevent the breakdown of fat. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a good sleep routine, try not to stay up late and get enough sleep. It is best to sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours a day. At the same time, try to relieve your own stress, such as taking more walks after meals, which is also important for improving sleep.

5.HIIT high-intensity interval training

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is an intensive high-speed exercise for the whole body in a short period of time. Such high-intensity whole body training combined with intermittent fasting can help secrete growth hormones, resist aging, and burn fat. The key is High-intensity exercise in a short period of time, and to ensure that the body has enough time to recover, you can do it 1 to 3 times a week. Because high-intensity exercise will enhance the fat-burning effect of fasting, remember not to do it during fasting time, but during eating, to avoid low blood sugar and cause physical discomfort.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

How does autophagy treat cancer

The human body is composed of countless cells. These cells divide, metabolize, grow, or repair damage. These phenomena are all controlled by certain genes. When these genes are damaged, the abnormal proteins they produce will drive cells to proliferate and differentiate abnormally. They accumulate in the body to form "tumors." Tumors are divided into benign and malignant. Among them, malignant tumors are called cancers. Cancer cells can even destroy surrounding tissues and metastasize.

Autophagy is an important system that maintains a constant protein in the cell, which can eliminate abnormal proteins, thereby inhibiting the occurrence of tumors. However, studies have found that when cancer cells are formed, many growing and replicating cancer cells will initiate autophagy to resist the pressure of the surrounding environment, such as hypoxia, starvation or treatment with anti-cancer drugs. Recent studies have shown that during the process of cancer cells metastasis to other tissues, the highly activated autophagy can help cancer cells adapt to the environment of blood or other tissues. The detailed mechanism and the reasons for these phenomena have yet to be clarified.

Cancer treatment for autophagy has always been the goal of scientists' efforts. If it can enhance or inhibit autophagy, it may be helpful to fight cancer. Quinine, currently used clinically to treat malaria, is an inhibitor of autophagy. Combining quinine with commonly used chemotherapy and target drugs to inhibit the autophagy ability of cancer cells appears to be quite effective initially.

The Five Stages of Intermittent Fasting

By 12 hours, you've entered the metabolic state called ketosis (Anton et al., Obesity 2018). In this express, your body begins to separa...