Monday, December 14, 2020

Diabetes can be cured

 The following is the experience of netizens, for your reference.

Latest news: In mid-November 2020, the AiC has been reduced from 7.2 to 6.3. The doctor was surprised to know that I could have such a big improvement without taking medicine, saying that I have no diabetes. My goal is to drop to 5.5-5.8.

In the past few years, I have been troubled by pre-diabetes. I officially entered diabetes in November last year. My A1C reached 7.2. The doctor started asking me to take Metformin (a very common diabetes drug), but the doctor told me that it might take my life. Take medicine, because diabetes is a lifetime with no cure. After taking Metformin for half a year, I began to study diabetes carefully. I found that diabetes can be completely cured, but I must change my eating habits. Basically, diabetes is a problem of metabolism derailment, so medication or exercise will not help. Only start with diet to address the so-called "insulin resistance" problem.

Here I will introduce to you about insulin and diet therapy. The best treatment is to use diet and intermittent fasting together. Information about fasting will be introduced on another page. Please remember that I am not a doctor, nor a dietitian, so what I publish here is only based on my own experience and research results. You should also do some research yourself to formulate treatment strategies suitable for your physical condition.

Let everyone read an email sent to me by a friend:

Three years ago, I found out that I had diabetes, A1C test 10 -11, and I took medicine. (I used to walk three to four miles a day, 30LB. These months are very small walks) But I do not sleep well, on average 4-5 hours per night. I told my doctor Diabete if sleeping well would affect it. He said that's not a problem. At the end of last year, besides taking medicine, he added 2 kinds of insulin. Every time I go, I add medicine and ask me to exercise, so I don’t want to go again. Up. I am in good physical condition and I can also eat sweets. Seeing your health status, I hope to get advice from you on how to improve this problem through this email.

This is my reply to him:

10-11 is a very serious type of diabetes, you must change your eating habits immediately, otherwise it will permanently damage your body (including the brain, eyes, liver, and even the legs will be removed in the future, so you can't delay or despise it). The way to pay for one person is to take medicine and inject insulin, but these two methods treat the symptoms and not the root cause. They will tell you that this is a life-long situation and there is no cure, but in fact they are very wrong and tired people. I have to buy medicines and injections for the rest of my life, but the condition will not be helped. Diabetes is a serious problem in the body's metabolism, because the body is resistant to insulin. The role of insulin is to store the body's sugar and fat in the cells, but too much sugar and fat Insulin cannot cope with entering the body, and the body produces resistance. Sugar and fat cannot enter the cells. Therefore, people are obese (big belly, body organs are full of fat), and sugar follows the blood vessels throughout the body, which is diabetes. Diabetes must be cured. Yes, many patients with diabetes are cured in a short period of time Intermittent fasting must be performed to allow the body to use the sugar and fat in the body for a longer period of time. Naturally, you will lose weight, and you must also change your eating habits (diet) , It is best to use keto diet-low carbohydrate, high fat food, which greatly reduces the body's sugar content and reduces the body's production of insulin (fat entering the body will not touch insulin).

Eat more fat

Animal fats are very good fats. There is no need to avoid them. Steak fat, pork and chicken fat are good for the body, so recently we often eat pickled pork meat, in addition to butter, Avocado, cream cheese , sour cream can be eaten. If the body eats more fat, slowly the body will get used to turning fat into energy, instead of using carbohydrates (such as rice and bread, etc.) to make energy for the body, so that the body’s sugar content is reduced Will gradually decrease. Sugar is very harmful to the body.

You can continue to eat the foods you like, but give your body a longer time to use the sugar and fat stored in the body. It is also best to minimize eating cereals like rice or bread.

When you change your diet, the main food is changed to high-fat food, and you won't feel hungry.

Please read the following conversation between me and another friend:

8/12/2020 Mr. Lin Xiurong: Hello, thank you for sharing the fasting method and detailed guidelines for me. I have implemented it for two weeks and I feel good. As you said, it’s easy to feel no hunger. I lost weight. I lost four pounds in the past two weeks. My blood sugar has also dropped significantly. Of course, I still have a long way to go. I have used many methods before. On TV, the real and effective examples of success have given me a lot of encouragement. I have used the 16/8 method to lose weight in these two weeks. It seems to be very effective. Thank you for your help and thank you for sharing. In addition to finance, investment and taxation, you can often help people, but also help others in health. I admire your knowledgeable, knowledgeable, and selfless enthusiasm for helping others. You really deserve to be a true Christian. Thank the Lord, I also wish you a healthy family and family, and continue to help friends in need!

8/12/2020 My answer to her: very good, remember to eat more high-fat foods, butter, avocado, beef and pork with fat, etc., these concentrated fat are good for the body, and will also Help you not feel hungry, and train your body to start to detect fat as energy. I have completely avoided white rice, bread and noodles. These high-carbohydrate foods will immediately turn into sugar, which is bad for the body.

9/16/2020 Mr. Xiu Rong, hello, according to your help, share and guide the 16/8 intermittent weight loss method. It has been more than a month. I successfully lost 10 pounds, and my blood sugar was reduced from 156 to 110. So my doctor also I have reduced the amount of diabetes medicine. This is very encouraging news, so I hope to share it with you and I sincerely thank you for your help. But in the past two weeks, I have not lost weight. I don’t know why, I asked myself and followed it comfortably. Low-carb and high-fat eating habits, starch does not stick to the mouth, the morning and evening two are completed within 8 hours without cheating, but I have not seen any weight loss in more than 10 days. I am a little discouraged because I did something wrong ? Please give pointers.

9/16/2020 My answer to her: Congratulations on successfully losing 10 pounds. It is common to stop during weight loss, because the body is used to it. If you still want to lose weight, you need to stop intermittently. Eating breakthrough, now I am used to 18/6, I can eat only one meal for one or two days, that is to 23/1, but it does not need to be done every day. In addition, I also need to do some exercise, I try to walk every day 5-10 miles.

Prolonging the fasting time is for the body to use the stored sugar and fat more effectively. A longer fasting will also cause the body to start autophagy, which means that the body will remove bad cells by itself.

10/13/2020: I hereby inform me that in the past three months, I have accepted your guidance and support. I have achieved some results on the way to lose weight. I have lost 26 pounds in three months, and my mental and physical abilities are much better than before. The blood sugar control is very satisfactory. The doctor told me that if the status quo is still maintained by the end of the year, I can stop the medication. It is a very encouraging thing, so I can’t wait to tell and share this information with you. In addition to being grateful, this is also some motivation for me, just like a report table given by a student to the teacher! I'm still following the 16/8 plan. I haven't lost weight for three weeks, but the clothes are obviously loose by one size (two?). So keep going, because I still have more than 20 pounds and I have to work hard. Thank you for giving me a good start and confident support!

10/13/2020 My answer to her: I lost 26 pounds in three months — Congratulations, try to maintain it and not let the pounds rise again.

16/8 has had good results, and the body has obviously adapted to it. You can take a step forward to continue to lose weight and eliminate the remaining sugar and fat in the body. You can try to change the usual 16/8 to 18/6, this is just A very subtle change, so that the body has two more hours of fasting. Then you can try a Monday 23/1, for example, after dinner at five o'clock, and eat the second meal at five o'clock the next day , Let the body fast for 24 hours. At the beginning, you may feel a little uncomfortable, but you will enjoy it when you get used to it. I am now 23/1 for one to two days a week, and 18/6 for the rest of the week. Does the diet increase fat intake? ? If you have enough fat, you won’t feel hungry. The body starts to get used to burning fat as energy and work as energy, and the brain is very clear, because the body no longer depends on glucose, it means to burn Ketone (ketone), yes Fuel ten times better than glucose.

There is another thing to consider, to replenish the minerals lost by the body, because if you don’t eat carbohydrates after changing the diet, your body’s minerals will be lost with water

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