Sunday, December 20, 2020

Netizens’ experience of Indirect fasting experience

The following is the experience of netizens, for your reference.

I don’t know if anyone feels the same as me

Over 30, no regular exercise or fitness, eat the same food as usual

Just get fat and this kind of fat is different from 25 years old

If you are 25 years old, you will get back to your previous weight if you eat less

After 30 years old

Fat is fat

Standing on the scale

Whether it’s weight or body fat, rising is rising

When I was younger, my body fat 20 goal was still body fat 18

Now it’s body fat 24, and it’s hard to think of 23.9

I’m a girl who can eat two lunch boxes, but I’m easy to get fat.

So I started the 16/8 intermittent fasting method. The starting weight is 55.5-56KG body fat 24.3

The experience is

I didn’t restrain the contents for 8 hours, basically I won’t lose weight.

But the speed of getting fat is not fast.

When I first tried it, I ate from 1pm to 8pm, every meal in between was very rich

Milk tea, fried chicken steak, spicy hot pot, rice, normal bento, no more polite

It’s amazing at first. This way of eating doesn’t gain much weight.

But after maintaining for 3 weeks, the body adapted (not cooperated with exercise and eating too exaggerated)

At the beginning, the weight slowly rises and the body fat rises together 56-57.5 kg body fat 25

(According to my 8-hour content, it should be at least 5-8 kg fat)

So I adjusted the contents of my 8 hours

At the first meal, I will buy vegetables, all kinds of vegetables, tofu, all you can eat

Or ask him to remove the meal for me in a lunch box.

The drink will still be a cup of sugar-free fresh milk tea, sugar-free drink

The second meal time (to go home in the evening to relax) The evening meal I eat more unrestrained

Spicy small hot pot, just eat whatever you want, biscuits, snacks, chicken steak, and also can eat it at dinner

Drinks are sugar-free

Unknowingly, the two-meal control diet I adjusted to 18/6 eating  

Because sometimes the dinner will be at noon  I will become a noon big meal  Dinner is simple 

This is more suitable for me to eat like a starving ghost (same, still no exercise)

The weight slowly drops, the body fat also drops a little

At the moment it is flat at 54.8 54.9, body fat is very bad, at 24.2 24.3 (because I am not exercising)

It has been implemented for more than half a year, and there is currently no additional condition in the body. No cold, no sleepiness, no stomach pain, no sleepiness, no tremor, no hypoglycemia, no  

In conclusion, the contents should be selected. People who eat exaggeratedly and have no exercise habits will have ghosts if they are not fat.

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